Thursday 5 March 2015


Most organizations even though they undertake routine or regular audit exercises, are still are unable to fully exploit the benefits of an audit service simply because they do not posses an audit manual. 

An audit manual is a carefully crafted document that will help the organization evaluate, assess and understand what it’s Audit needs are.

Audit needs are activities, events, procedures, processes that an would entity desires to have an independent report on. This report apart from looking at the statutory compliancy aspects, should also point out to leaders of the organization the direction and trends of the organization in terms of management efficiency and effectiveness as well as strategy. 

Pre- Audit exercise,Terms of Reference and Scope of Audit:
An audit manual will help guide the organization on how to prepare for this very important exercise like stock taking, verification of account balances and registers, develope Terms of Reference(ToRs),scope of Audit,duration etc..

This prior preparation provides good of information that would help the auditor understand the entity better and appreciate its audit needs which is very critical for effective audit planning and execution. 

So many organizations shun audit thinking it’s a waste of money and time and only do it because the law requires it or to show that they are a legitimate entity.

Audit expectations and Auditor's liability:
The manual will guide the engagement process and clearly state what the entity's expectations from the Audit and also lay down a mechanism that would hold the Auditor liable should anything damaging or un professionalism should it come out of the report.

Management's Responsibility:
An audit manual will hold management more accountable, to carry out its duties cautiously fully aware that they will have to keep good evidence of what has transpired for the auditor to examine. Its important to note that not every document is audit evidence, but the audit manual will help guide on that.

Developing an Audit manual is not quite that simple and JW & PARTNERS helps entities in this area.
It is also sufficient to say that an audit manual will continuously be adjusted through reviews or change in management’s strategic objectives. 

This will enable the entity put out well expressed Tender bids for Audit service that will help the organization identifying the most suited Auditor. It will also help an organization look beyond the auditors experience in auditing similar entities but assess the auditor’s understanding of  the entity’s  audit needs from the perspective of industry and sector, and management processes  from  his/her response to the Expression of Interest (EoI) for audit service. 

To develop a good Audit manual, requires someone with not only a good level of audit experience but rich knowledge of organizational strategy and structural development. 

Like all our other services, Designing audit manual is a service that JW & PARTNERS does very well, and we would be happy to service your organization in this respect.


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