Monday 29 September 2014

Prepare Standard Financial statements and Books of Accounts

Maintaining well written books of accounts is behavioral pattern of successful enterprises.
Unfortunately many owners of businesses and organizations do not fully understand what it means to have PROPER records and well written books of accounts. leaders of organisations are constantly faced with tough decision on planning and development of strategies. They all would admit that decision making is much easier with well processed information of the daily activities at hand.

The income Tax law section 152, requires every firm, company or organization to keep proper records and books of accounts. It levies a penalty for not complying amounting to twice the tax payable in that year. See our Tax accounting proposal. Wrong classification of transactions can lead to higher tax liability when expenses are disallowed in an objection to estimated Tax assessment.

But besides that, it is vitally important to note that the effectiveness of management decision  on how an organization should be driven to achieve its set goals, is strongly rooted on the quality of accounting information that it captures and the kind of reports it generates.

Someone once told me, that it was a waste of money to pay someone to write for them books of accounts. His reasoning was, that if an entity strictly kept its records of expenses and incomes, then it should be able to post (receipts, invoices and vouchers etc..) them in books of accounts and generate an income and expense statement report thereafter to reveal to him his profit position.

Now, without guidance of a professional business accountant to help process this raw data into useful information, then such an entity is most likely to end up with a profit and lose statement report that looks like the one below.
Income Statement as at 31st Dec 20xx
casual labor
Printing and Photocopy
Total Expense

 The problem with this kind of report is that it hides a lot of  valuable Information about how the loss or profit was arrived at. And as such, decisions on how to maintain or grow this observed profit would be based on limited information hence can not be relied upon to cause positive change.

For effective decision making, an entity needs to have a profit and loss statement that looks  like the one below.
Income Statement as at 31st Dec 20xx
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Administrative cost
Marketing cost
Operational cost
Casual labor

This can then be presented in summary format as below.
Income Statement as at 31st Dec 20xx
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Administrative cost
Marketing cost
Operational cost
Total expense
Profit/ loss

You can clearly see that this report brings out a lot of quality information for managers and decision makers of an organization to make impactful decisions with turn a round results to drive the firm, company or organization to supersede its set goals and objective with minimum effort.

Analysis of the entity’s performance can be done by comparing different categories of expenditures against incomes received say for instance; your marketing expenditure can be analyzed to explain the incomes. With the same information, also analyze operational expenditure to establish a trend and plan how to cut costs.

 This report format can help an organization make income projections and the expected expenditures with fair accuracy during budgeting.
A decision to Reinvestment profits or bring in more money can be made with identifiable priority areas of expenditures that would yield maximum return on investment (RoI).

This therefore requires that transactions be captured in the source documents with enough details and narratives to ensure accurate definition and correct posting in the category created.

By following these simple steps one can establish an effective record capturing and processing system.

1.    Obtaining a comprehensive understanding of your entity;
A comprehensive understanding of what the organization is doing, the industry it is in, the business sectors in terms of its services or products, business model, what are its fixed cost, who are the major and minor clients its servicing or targeting
This will reveal to you the income and expense categories to which sub headings will be assigned.
   i)    The incomes can be categorized as
       Sales category 1,category 2,micellenious.. etc  while
   ii)  The Expense can be categorized as;
        Administrative expense, operational expense, Marketing expense, sales and distribution expense etc…
2.    Design A chart of Account:
A chart of accounts (COA) is a created list of the accounts used by a business entity to define each class of items for which money or the equivalent is spent or received. It is used to organize the finances of the entity and to segregate expenditures, revenue, assets and liabilities in order to give interested parties a better understanding of the financial health of the entity.
The list can be numerical, alphabetic, or alpha-numeric. The structure and headings of accounts should assist in consistent posting of transactions. Each nominal ledger account is unique to allow its ledger to be located. The list is typically arranged in the order of the customary appearance of accounts in the financial statements, balance sheet accounts followed by profit and loss accounts.
3.    Designing the structure and Nature of Book entries to be kept:
The nature of records that an entity will capture for compliancy and management purpose, will determine the kind of books to be put in place.
A smaller organization will require fewer and general purpose book entries that will capture more than one form of records therefore reducing the number of books to keep.
These books will set the bench mark on which configuration of a soft ware will be done should the entity so wish to automate. The kind of software application to be bought will be guided by these books of account.
 4.    Designing of source documents and procedure of use;
The source documents(receipts, voucher, invoices, LPO etc…) should be designed with procedures that will enable as much detail of desired information and narratives from a single transaction or activity. With good narratives captured, inaccuracies due to wrong definition, classification and posting of transactions can be corrected through a review of transactions posted.

If your organisation or business needs to have its accounting information formatted as described earlier, feel free to contact us
We serve all sizes of organisations from one man company to large corporation. The principle is the same and there for cuts across.

If you’re interested, Sign up for this service that we are offering to you.

Call or write to us; For inquiries write to, for serious business write to or call The Director Business Advisory Mr Omony Patrick on 0772 564808, The firm’s Managing Partner Mr Ochola John 0704 024835 office line: 0414 256408

Wednesday 3 September 2014


When talking about management systems; it should be known that a management system is not A software. A software is an application a tool used to make the system more efficient.

The ability to design, implement and MAINTAIN effective internal controls are attributes of successful CEOs, MDs and chairmen of boards.

Control systems are an indication of effective management inaction. It creates a sense of orderliness and project high levels of integrity which is the most desired characteristic by financiers, suppliers etc..Dynamic people or organizations who you would like to associate with as business partners or donors can be easily attracted to your enterprise.

Internal control systems are the measurements put in place to not only capture useful Accounting and Financial information but also safe guard the organisations resources from theft , misuse, fraud, Tax liabilities etc…

These (measures) will increase accuracies and quality in record capturing and processing, resulting into well kept records and properly written books of account.
These measurements act in the following manner;
  • Preventive(Authorizations)
  • Detective (Audit trails)
  • Detarent.(Penalty and Fines)
An internal control system can be designed for any size of company or organization.                                       The core management systems of an Organisation are;-
  1. Finance and Accounting information control system
  2. Fixed assets control system
  3. Store/Inventory management system
  4.  Procurement management system
  5. Sales and distribution system
  6. Marketing and advertising management system
  7.  HR-management system.
Large companies should have all the above systems very visible and fully operational while for smaller organisations including one man companies, the relevant systems can be selected and incorporated into its management.

Benefits of internal control systems;
1. Effective introduction of spouses and family members. Though the collapse of many enterprises has been attributed to poor inclusion of family members and relatives by owners. Internal control systems will help create well defined roles and accountabilities for family members to be productively incorporated into management NOT as spectators but as equal contributors to the organisation’s success and continuity.

2.  Control systems enable entities write PROPER BOOKs of accounts resulting into generation of accurate and realistic reports about events that have or have not taken place from within therefore, helping decision makers to analyze and assess its consequences to the organization in the short and long run.

3. Decision makers will be at a better position to effectively implement their strategies. They will be able to see future threats, and take decisive actions to correct problem areas that are hindering growth and, or realize areas or activities that are responsible for the observed success and profitability.

4. Organisations with good internal control systems will easily qualify for accreditations like ISO, Authorized Economic Operator certifications, World Economic Operator certifications etc...


5. Accredited companies, firms and organisations stand out as trusted entities for strategic partnership with government, private sectors, donors, individuals and foreign companies.
Partnerships at this level of trust will see them enjoy exemption status, Tax waivers in failed business ventures, Better credit facilities and terms from financial institution such as Banks, Venture capitalist, suppliers especially foreign suppliers.
A local company with effective control systems will be highly favoured when seeking exclusivity as a distributor for products from foreign companies looking for markets in this economy.

An internal control system is built on three pillars Process, procedures, people and Technology.

A system is an established way of accomplishing tasks through activities undertaken in day to day management. These activities should be guided by laid down procedures which are within the perimeters of standards determined by the regulatory authorities like Revenue Authorities, Registration Bureaus policies and academia e.g ISA,IFRS,ISO etc…

a)   Control systems help form Departments in organisations
Take an example of activities that follow a process of how stock is acquired from a supplier, entered in the store shelved and how it exits the store to the buyer.

Now, you will notice that the activities in the process described above can be grouped into departments ie procurement department, store/inventory department and sales department. Each department will therefore perform these tasks according to prescribed procedures that will capture critical data that is latter processed into good information to generate reports for analysis.

b)   Control systems help create Audit trails;
The report and data captured about each process will leave behind footprints known as an Audit trail. An audit trail is data captured at each stage of an activity as evidence that the event occurred. These records can be used to reconstruct the series of events that have transpired over time. These audit trails are VERY important during Audit to check on accuracy or arrest bad practices.

An effective system is assessed on the quality of data capture and the quality of reports it generates.

c)   Control systems help create effective job descriptions;
Segregation of duties is a critical part of a good control system. The level of segregation of duties will determine the level of control of risk to fraud and accuracy of information. When segregating duties, caution should be adhered to in order to avoid over staffing leading to redundancy or duplication of tasks.
The complexity of each system will depend on the size of the organization, the nature of its business and the business model the organization has chosen. Virtually all these systems can be out sourced completely or Partly.

A system is not built over night it goes through series of adjustment up until its perfected. With commitment from owners and top management to put it in place, our team of trusted professionals can help you significantly reduce the period of designing and implementing an efficient working internal control system for your firm, company and or Organisation.
 Inspite of all these benefits most firms, companies and Organisations have failed to build efficient working internal control systems.
 We JW & PARTNERS have the professional skills in this area and can help your firm, company or Organisation (NGO) to Design and implement efficient working control systems.

If you’re interested, Sign up for this service that we are offering to you.
Call or write to us; For inquiries write to, for serious business write to or call The Director Business Advisory Mr Omony Patrick on 0772 564808, The firm’s Managing Partner Mr Ochola John 0704 024835 office line: 0414 256408